Show CIS that the job is not an entry level position. This requires documentation including the ad for the job, a detailed job description, comparisions to similar positions for similar companies in that geographic region, and more.
Include an expert opinion letter in the RFE response. This also requires an expert opinion letter debunking the reasoning CIS gives for assuming the job is entry level.
Before you submit an RFE response, make sure that the entire case is reviewed to address the Level 1 Wages RFE, and preempt a second round of RFEs.
The Level 1 Wages RFE is the hot RFE of the year, but this does not mean that other common RFEs are on hold for this season. In fact, we’ve seen that candidates who fail to preempt other RFEs in their response have been getting hit with more common RFEs.
There are certain jobs, certain degrees, and certain situations that are RFE magnets. That’s why it’s important to resist getting distracted by this new RFE and remember that there is an entire petition to strengthen and defend.
For a no charge and no obligation review of your case, or your employee or client’s entire case, please send the following documents to
[email protected]:
• Beneficiary resume and educational documents
• Detailed description of the job and its duties
• Employer support letter
We will get back to you within 48 hours with a full review of the case and our recommendations for how to respond.]]>